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How to choose a charity to fundraise for – Running the London Marathon 2017

April 17, 2017

If you’ve followed my blog you’ll be well aware of the fact that I’m running the London Marathon 2017 in aid of Phab Kids, who inspire and support children and adults with and without disabilities to make more of life together.

Fundraising for a charity is the alternative route to applying for the ballot for the London Marathon and although it can be, arguably, easier than the ballot, you’re certainly taking on a big challenge when pledging to raise the stated amount, so how do you go about choosing a charity to fundraise for?

Usually, when people choose a charity they are choosing it because of an emotional connection; cancer charities, local hospices, personal experiences. But do we all need an emotional push in order to make a difference? Sometimes we just want to reach out and change someone’s life for the better, but how do you go about choosing a life to change?

Go for the unexpected

It’s understandable that most people who fundraise want to do it for the biggest and ‘best’ cause but in the giant ocean that is ‘the London Marathon charity places’, there are many little guppies swimming around trying to get runners to show their support.

It can be a lot of work for charities entering the London Marathon so they want to get their places filled! The great thing about choosing a smaller charity is you’re not only going for the charities that actually need that little uplift but you’re (selfishly) more likely to get a place!

It can still be personal

You don’t have to have a heart-wrenching story to have a personal connection to the charity you choose to run for. For me, I chose Phab because I’m an extremely lucky person – lucky enough that I can run, walk and cycle as I please – but not everyone is so lucky.

love being outside and I want to be able to share that with others. By fundraising for Phab, I’m helping young people enjoy the things that I take for granted.

Enjoy it

What I’ve learnt about fundraising for the London Marathon is that it’s a huge challenge in itself. Getting a place through a charity can make it not seem as worth while, all the time you’re thinking, “Why have I signed up to raise £XXXX AND run 26.2 miles?!?”

Find ways when you’re fundraising to have a bit of fun. Get to know your local community, run some extra miles somewhere else and use it as training for the big day. Don’t make it a chore, but something you can look back on and know you’ve done a cracking job!

With less than a week to go…

I’ve managed to exceed my target and with just under a week left. It’s a great feeling and I’m sure it will be an even greater feeling when I cross that finish line.

What it’s taught me is there is a lot that I can achieve. I’ve personally held pub quizzes, raffles and baked every week for four months to fundraise the majority of my amount and I’m bloody well proud of myself. I, of course, also thank everyone that has supported me as I couldn’t have done it without you!

It doesn’t have to be a marathon, charities are always looking for fundraisers, 10k, 5k, cycles, walks, whatever it is, why not set yourself the challenge?




From → For Thought

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